Monday, July 13, 2009

Lost and gained in translation...

Aeter with R' Paltiel 7/13/09 Monday 21 Tammuz 5769

Page pay aleph - 4th line from the top.

The meturgeman, which is a mashal for midot hamalchus receives the haspah from the rav and he fully absorbs it and it becomes one with him.

Thus there is also an effect on the ohr – it is no longer of the same purity as it was with the rav.

As explained elsewhere – the difference of something passing through or getting dressed in the mekabel.

Hislabshus/"dressed" mean it is the holding up of the light. Ohr usually flows unobstructed, but hislabshus holds it up at this level. This is what happens with sphirot as they enter into malchus – they get absorbed and “owned” by malchus.

Kesser elyon is the first garment for ohr einsof. Why is it able to contain and conceal the light there? This is since it is able to contain and conceal it – ohr ein sof is an ohr direct from etzem – reflects atzmus – then comes kesser that can hold this light – that means that kesser has a quality simitlar to atzmus. Sometimes kesser and atzmus are used interchangeably. Kesser has a atzmus quality.

In atzmus there are different aspects. One inyan in atzmus is kesser malchus – it has the romemus and stands aloof. Another aspect is that atzmus cannot be obstructed – it is all over. Atzilus is ohrot atzmi'im, Briya's lights are not atzmi'im.

Kesser is not revealed in sphirot.

Sechel is not concealed in the mind – you are conscience of it. Kesser is able to absorb the ohr ein sof and not be aware of it. Kesser and atzmus are used interchangeably – kesser is like a lower lever of meor. Kesser has ohrot atzmi'im.

This is why it is called kesser – it is a crown and a makif – but there is an essential message. Just like you put a crown on a king – why is kingship reflected through a crown? It is a circle around the head. Normally a person functions with the abilities that are in the head. The crown symbolizes that which is above the head. The king himself is what makes it happen – not his functional qualities. What is a king? His presence. This is the primary inyan of a melech.

Kesser absorbs and this reflects the advantage of kesser. Kesser malchus is rooted in kesser. So too what brings out the romemus of the king – that is not reflected below at all – is an essential hisnasut that is not the hisnasus that is al am.


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