Monday, July 27, 2009

Levels of fear...

Aeter - R' Paltiel 7/27/09 Monday 6 Menachem Av 5769 P: Pay Gimmel
Eight lines from top of page pay gimmel.

When there was a gilui from elokus that brings yirah.

When atzmus is revealed there as yirah gadol.

Like a great king – awe of his presence is great. When the king shows his romemus then there is great fear. Whereas when he reveals a small corner of his greatness, then the fear/yirah is much less.

Likewise when the aspect of malchus ein sof was revealed – its very essence then the fear was very great.

The fear is on different levels – a midah in the heart – and there is a higher level of fear – a supreme level – yirah ilah – a superior kind of yirah is caused by a different experience. This is due to chochmah. The other lower yirah is due to binah and daas. Chochmah is different from binah in that it has a revelation of gilui mehus ha-or and the yirah flows from this.

Yirah elyona is a level of yirah that is higher that yirah ilah. Yirah elyona is from “bechinat malchuto yisborach mamash.”

to explain: sight is a miracle – you experience the object because it truly exists (not due to a personal experience). So too in chochmah. Gilui ha mehus is knowing the thing itself and it is an extreme experience, still, just like in sight you don't become one with the thing you see – you can close your eyes – you do see the mehus, but you see it from outside, through a faculty. The same is true of chochmah. You have to focus in on it. Not like knowing oneself. Chochmah is wonderful, but need focus – not intrinsic – needs to be refreshed continuously.

Chochmah brings yirah ilaa, since it is a true recognition, but you remain separate. Then there is gilui malchuto yisborach mamash – malchus is shchinah – the whole world is encompassed by the malchus – you're in it you're part of it – you're encompassed by it. This yirah you cannot describe – this is yirah elyonah.

You experience something that is not you – and you don't experience it through a faculty – you're encompassed in it.

Thus when there was revelation of the shchinah – this is the malchus utzmo – which results in yirah elyona – this is beyond experience/faculties.


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