Monday, August 3, 2009

Enabling the beginning

8.3.09 (Monday, 13 Av) p.84 (3rd line) Notes by Yehudah

It is necessary that the avodah in tefilla should be in a gradual manner so that it be effective on the guf b’pinimius. The lowest level is hodaah.

Tefilla means to come out of mitzrayim.

This is ample to take one out of the basic mitzrayim – which is that the nefesh Elokis is encased in the nefesh ha behamis.

But when the Nefesh Habahamit strengthens itself over the Nefesh Elokis through taaivos or excessive involvement with business then you need a koach from above to effect an arousal in tefilla. This comes through learning torah before tefilla. Normally hodaah is self-arousing.

Torah & tefilla: Tefilla – he reflects from within himself. This is what he recognizes – the truth of Hashem. This is an initiative/movement from below to above. Torah is a different process – learn the way the inyan is in truth. This is above to below.

This is the extra push that helps to arouse oneself in davening - since this is a force coming from outside the person. The torah inyan is not in gulus and is able to awaken a person and bring him out of gulus. This is an arousal from above that allows you to come in contact with the hodaah.

Torah in general is above to below, but particularly pinimius ha Torah. Torah was given down below. Even though it continues to be connected above, nevertheless niglah d’torah speaks about world; thus it is not a full fledged power that reflects above. The aspect of pnimius ha torah is a direct force that comes from above.

Sometimes there is a need to meditate on atzmus, which is even higher than sovev and memale. This is truly an arousal from above. Atzmus is an infusion of life not coming from our own seichel.


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