Monday, August 31, 2009

The way of direct connection

Aeter with R' Paltiel 8/31/09 Monday 11 Elul 5769 Page: Pay

Page Pay – 5 lines from the top.

The people connect to the king as a way to connect to Hashem. Things come through a certain conduit – levels of awareness – you cannot go direct. If you want to connect to hashem through pnimiut it is through the king – if you want to connect through yeshus you can try various things and think it is direct direct.

The principle of the romemus of malchus – not that he is remote unto himself, but that he is supreme over the worlds, and this gives them an elevation. And this aspect of romemus is what connects the atzmus ohr of atzilus (G-dliness) and the world.

Atzilus is elokus, including the keilim of atzilus. Biya (created world) on the other hand is the essence of yesh - malchus joins them. We can only conceptualize elokus in contrast to yesh. Yesh is something that needs to be created. Because we are primarily relating to yesh, for us the absence of yesh is nothing – this nothingness cannot be destroyed or affected. The basis of yesh is nothing.

What provides for yesh? The open space. This is how we see gashmius. This is why we are oblivious of elokus, because the yesh does not directly point to elokus. The truth however is that nothing is there on its own – even nothingness. Nothingness exists due to elokus and our awareness of it is due to G-dly choice. Infinite space that we are aware of is a G-dly choice.

Therefore elokus is the basis of this nothingness. Freddiker rebbe talks about this – above there is emptiness and this emptiness is already a G-dly provision. We don't percieve elokus, but we perceive nothingness.

The principle of the romemus of malchus is the way malchus is in atzilus – cos atzilus and biya are two different realms. There is no real commonality between these realms. One is a precarious existence and the other is not.


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