Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Why the bird flies

Aeter with R' Paltiel 9/22/09 Tuesday 4 Tishrei 5770 P:PayAleph

Lower third of the page. Line starts “ha-avodah”

In avodah there is arusa delieba that is revealed on Shabbat. This is in contrast to the avodah of taam ve daas (reason) of the six days.

All avodah is from ratzon, so even if it is according to taam ve daas it means that it can be grasped, but not that its basis is this reason. avodah/service for an alterior motive is not avodat hashem. The rambam says its like he's working for himself.

So how is it avodah of taam ve daas and yet it is avodah. It is from ratzon hatachton – a level of ratzon that can be translated into sechel and be grasped by sechel. We say that Hashem is the basis of the world, not that the world needs Him to exist. He serves Him not for the benefit of the world but since he is seeking truth.

On shabbos the ratzon is out of the world context. If one can be in the world and be unengaged by the world and be occupied only with what is true to his heart this is a new level of ratzon. Ratzon of the heart does not lend it self to any explanation.

Al pi taam ve daas in our orientation – in world, nothing exists on its own – all is the result of cause and effect. And from this worldly psychology was born, man is motivated by something disturbing his peace, and the birds developed wings to fly to flee their persuers. We don't subscribe to this at all. We say in every creature is a nefesh and it acts according to this – nefesh denotes ratzon.

G-dliness is a primary truth – it is not caused. This is embued in every creature, to be what it is. To be what it is, is the creature's unique ratzon. Man has another level – nefesh elokis – its want, is that it wants elokus. Being in a body it gets mostly exposed to things of the world, it has a level of ratzon that can translate into terms of this world/al pi taam ve daas.


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