Friday, October 23, 2009


Aeter with R' Paltiel 10/23/09 Friday 5 Chesvan 5770 P:PayGimmel

3 lines from the bottom of the page pay gimmel.

We are looking at how the G-dly soul is restricted by being involved with the nefesh ha bahamit.

This is timtum halev – this is insensitivity. The opposite of this was the appreciation/yirah of that of real value.

Timtum halev/moach is clogged and insensitivity – on the extreme of this he is totally insensitive to good and bad, and is involved only in himself, to the exclusion of any sense of value in his actions.

In that state the nefesh haelokis, which is entirely sensitive is completely concealed and this is the ultimate of mitzraim.

In order to affect an exodus from there takes place on different levels. By prayer/davening there is strengthening of revelation of the nefesh ha elokis in the body.

When a person awakens he on the one hand he says “modeh ani”, on the other hand he feels himself in the world. At the time of prayer/davening he begins to recognize in the world something that is higher than world and that is the essence of it. He realizes this inspiration is all there is and in shmonei esrei he unites with this chayut of the world.

Hodaa – modeh – hodu  – this is acknowledgment. Recognizing a certain truth, without knowing what its standing on. Sechel sees reality and the nefesh habahamit won't have a sense of this – an animal will trample on things of value due to lack of sensitivity.

There is no way to recognize G-dliness without starting with the step of hodaa.

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