Thursday, November 19, 2009

The real and the distractions

Aeter with R' Paltiel 11/19/09 Thursday 2 Kislev 5770 P:PayZayin

Second line from the top, after the parentheses.

Thus reshus is on the 7th of Pesach since then there is a revelation of essential lights – the essence of the light, without the need for the participation of the participant. There is no inyan of mitzvah – nothing needs to be done from below.

Internally at matan torah, yidden had become one with elokus, but externally they were still influenced by the world. Not to say that that unity can be blemished by external factors, but there can be a distraction from the unity.

In the previous 6 days of Pesach there is also reshus and revelation, nevertheless the essence of this is on the 7th day.

The principle of malchus is presentation, the focus is external and includes everything. Past present and future, and all the points of space, can only be included in malchus. Malchus expresses itself in terms of incorporation, as opposed to chochmah, that focuses on its own inyan.

Thus the ohr as contained in malchus is within the realm of spreading out, but above malchus, as they are unto themselves there is no past, present and future, and thus represents the real inyan of etzem. This explains the difference between the 7th day of Pesach, where the lights were revealed as they are in malchus, in comparison to matan torah, which was a revelation of the lights as they are in essence.

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