Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Aeter with R' Paltiel 11/10/9 Tuesday 23 Cheshvan 5770 P:PayHay

The last word on payhay.

Why do we have the mitzvah of matzah and not reshus? Through a gateway and not a full opening.

The reason is that even now there needs to be a preparation for the revelation that comes on the night of Pesach. The preparation is the gateway, even though we don't need the preparation like it was needed in mitzraim.

Our preparation is on a higher level. The preparation is from the mitzvah of matzah.

So too now there is a difference between the revelations before and after midnight. Even though the level of the gilui before midnight is on the level of yirah ilaa.

After midnight there is gilui of atzmus without any garement. This is not revelation by means of a gateway, this is a complete opening.

Here the levush is not gover al hagilui.

The gateway is like, “we are two separate people, but are attached” and the full opening, is were there is a level of union – no longer a gateway.
The power of sight: it gives us a sense of the reality itself.

Since sight lets us see the object in space, and space is something we know even with closed eyes, thus the object represents reality. Thus real reality is that which is infinite, and when something is conceived from this level of bli gvul then this gives the object a real reality, since it is sourced in infinity. It exists in space and represents an aspect of that space.

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