Monday, December 21, 2009

Out of the blue

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 12/20/09 Sunday 3 Tevet 5770

Page 5 – lower third of the page - “kulhi”.

The rebbe had concluded from all the mashalim, that roads are not just a connection, but follow a plan and represent an overview of what is intended to be accomplished.

All these pathways guide you in the right direction.

What meets the eye is just this the practical level, but really it is part of an overview an overall plan.

Malchus means, that man doesn't have only an inner life, but he can take actions that affect the world.

Malchus is united with all the other sphirot.

Above the kav there is no intention since there is no creation. The kav is there not to be separate, but to represent the truth of its origin. Intention and unity is only relevant when there is multiplicity.

The whole inyan of chassidus chabad is to have things bepnimiyus – that is to be able to grasp it with your sechel. You use a mashal to understand and grasp what you can and see beyond the metaphor.

The focus now, what we're dealing with, is that in the kav, in gvul (finite) there is also the influence/imprint of the bli gvul (infinite).

This goes down to malchus, which seems to be dealing with something devoid of ohr, yet it is still connected with the whole seder and with the ohr.

In fact this lowest level, has a greater aspect of the ein sof than the levels above it.

He made the world, so you may think He's preoccupied by it.

But we say he is totally unaffected by it, yet it is He who creates it. All stand in prayer, how does He hear them all? Are we sharing G-d? Do we each have a piece? No, He pays attention to each one like there is no-one else. This is the principle of yesh mi ein – He gives of Himself yet is not grasped or diminished in any way.

And this koach eloki, is beyond all comprehension, and yet vests itself in, and is revealed, in this world.

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