Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Crossing the border

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 1/12/10 Tuesday 26 Tevet 5770

3rd line from top of page 9. 

we are going into looking at the interior and exterior of the kav. The rebbe says the kav has an aspect of metziut. Before the tzimzum all (including this primal light) was included in the ein sof. After the tzimzum all have the aspect of coming forth from the ein sof.

The principle of yetzia chutz me atmuso – this going out of the essance, can be better understood by looking at ourselves – we have an internal world of feelings and thoughts and then there are our actions and words which show themselves to the outside. What shows itself is quite different to what is internal. To speak you have to get someone's attention. Thoughts and feelings don's seem to be in any way separate from ourselves. At first glance he doesn't see the separation between himself and what he's feeling.

Going out of the essence, means that even though it may be absolutely true, still means it has to become a metzius davar – it has to stand on its own. Prior to this state it didn't have a name – it existed because of its pnimius.

The inyan of tzimzum is that there should be such a formulation of the light, that it has its “own” definition.

Atzilus is the level of presenting what is already there. Revelation of what was hidden internally. It is exactly the same thing, but it has its own presence. Sechel itself is rooted in ratzon, which is representative of the nefesh – ratzon is here like etzem and sechel, like atzilus.

Atzilus is not a new creation – it is a revelation from the hidden world, but this gives it an element of metzius (an element of saying, “I have my own presence”). This is applicable from the perspective of outside the kav, but from the inner aspect of the kav (meaning how the kav view itself) it doesn't have the element that it is outside the essence. It sees itself as still within the essence as before the tzimzum.

The external level, rests on and is supported by the internal level. Like one on a mountain top trying to explain the panorama. He actually sees it.

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