Friday, January 22, 2010

The king and his soldier (Yud Shevat 5769 / Feb 2009)

Notes from Yud Shvat Fabrengen at home of R’ Paltiel

“We are in a war. We love peace and we get it by winning thewar.”

Fiend vs friend – sometimes they are dressed alike and not easy to distinguish.

War is waged by a king – not by an individual. David used to lead in war. Until he was endangered, and he was a supreme warrior he used to go out front. His general Yoav saw he was in danger and said he can’t go to the front any more.

The King opens all for his soldiers.

There is a formula for conquest – it is hiskafia and hishafcha.

This sounds easy?

Hiskafia is done by kabalat ol malchus shamayim – this is recognition of the King.

Any level less than this does not accomplish; – motivations such as “this is good for me” or “this is the right thing to do (socially)” will not gain traction.
One cannot reason with the yetzer hara. Tyvah has a senseless pull. It is senseless and pulls strongly – it supersedes all arguments. It is only the presence of the King that stands up to that.

How do you bring the King in? You represent the King who declares the war.

All know the destructive nature of tyvah, yet without hiskafiah it cannot be fought.

It is not just a contest; the nefesh habahamit has the effect, the the nefesh haelolkit becomes dulled – till you don’t realize the effect of the action.
Sometimes the finest and best of us get pulled in and can’t untangle ‘cos they lost the power of will – they don’t see the G-dly sparks – they lose self strength.

Every time (for the King) you abstain from a tyvah its not just that you become better – but you conquered ground for the King. You stand up against the force that opposes kedusha.

Results of the war: bringing the King back into the world.

The Freddike Rebbe was at war throughout his lifetime – and he had soldiers. Our Rebbe had to begin to train his army. After the war in Europe people were broken.

The Rebbe loves peache and says to his shluchim – go peacefully, but don’t compromise an iota.

R’ Paltiel, when he was a bachur remembers a young Rebbe who said, “I don’t accept the shidduch unless she wears a sheitel.” He would tell the bochrim in 770, “you wanna marry? Let your beard grow.”

He was a “modern” Rebbe with a down hat and a tie – and no compromise. This gives the shluchim the power.

The Rebbe in a maamar explains the matter of dancing at a chasanah – shtus shel kedusha. That ish and ishah have the name yud kay – that Hashem is in their midst – this is the factor of banyan adei ad – eternality.

The Freddike Rebbe was very intent on people knowing how to lead a home – this is the place of the schinah. The home is His creation. Have respect for the home out of respect for the schinah.

Kiyum – the home has it not because “you hold it up”, but because it is His building – it has an eternal nature.

The first two Batei Mikdash had human input – barnash, but the third is of His making – the home has this kiyum – Hashem gives courage to follow through.

The Holtzbergs were a holy couple – a koach beyond the individual.

Man brings knowledge to his come – this home is a holy place, where we do mitzvoth.

The Rebbe moved out of his apartment – no-one would go look to rent it.

Eventually a yid moved in and he later had yechidus with the Rebbe. The Rebbe told him that he should continue to do mitvot in this home – the Jewish home is a holy place. Hashem builds it.

Man goes to war not to win for himself – he wouldn’t have the strength.

If he goes for the King he can follow through – so too in building the home.


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