Friday, January 8, 2010

Quiet and loud

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 1/8/09 Friday 22 Tevet 5770

On page 8 – 5 lines from the bottom. 

The 10 sphirot of mah. Of the aspect of mah. These are hidden/treasured sphirot.

Principle of mah is that the aspect of announcement and self identity is unnecessary and doesn't exist. It is all within. It does not relate to expression and revelation. Chakim aval lo be chochmah yedia – wise, but without a knowable wisdom.

We say the life of the nefesh comes without effort and is an expression of the nefesh itself. Like the sun produces light without effort. But the sun does not have jurisdiction over the light that it provides - the nefesh is different – it gives life with intent and volition. So if it is intentional how can it be “automatic”? The hidden/treasured 10 sphirot address this. There is the principle that there is significance in enlivening the body, but this is all processed internally. It is intentional yet also essential.

Chessed in the nefesh elokis is ahvah and yirah, that when revealed is loud, but when concealed are quiet. Chessed per se is an element of openess and sharing. What is one open to? We are part of the world, but we are also separate entities. Our relation to the world can be in a way of kedusha or klipa. If one is “into himself” and interacts with the world because he has to – this is klipa. On the side of kedusha, the principle is that, “I am part of the big world – I don't have a reality, apart from this truth, thus my relationship with the outside world is of a personal nature. There is an inherent openess to my relationship with the rest of the world”.

Therefore there is ahavah – an inherent unity with Hashem, that finds expression in chesadim. This ahavah and yirah has an internal and external expression. This chesed and gevurah is not aroused externally. Ahavah and yirah are inherent due to the connection with Hashem – on the conscious level it comes out with excitement and on the internal level it is quiet.

Everything in the nefesh is intentional and something that is aware of and based on the truth of reality.

Everything in our world seems separate and then there is the overall containing of it, there are many people in the world and then there is I. There are many people and that is why there is I. It is not that there are many I's and this makes a world.

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