Friday, January 22, 2010

A reality that is really real

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 1/22/10 Friday 7 Shevat 5770

page 10 – top line. 

We have been saying that in tikun it is different from tohu. In both cases there is a separation / gap between the creation and the Creator, yet in tikun there is a flow / hamshacha from above, to purify and elevate the lower level (this is shem mah enclothing itself in shem ban).

In tikun the ohr of atzilus enlivens all the creations.

Chayut here means not the life that is the element of physical living. There are 4 levels, inanimate on up. All four have the aspect of domim / inanimate. And medaber has features of all the other 3 levels. What is chayut – it is that which elevates it above the domem. Domem has “nothing to say”. Why not? It is there just as a presence, but without excitement or vision – it does not strive anyplace – it does not see beyond itself.

A plant turns to the sun – this is an inyan of chayut – it has an inspiration to grow and strives towards the light.

Real chayut is in Adam. The life is the striving – that he wants to live. This comes from a sense of a supreme truth, a supreme reality. A person without strength, struggling to breathe, and yet perseveres, senses that another moment is worth the struggle. All chayut ultimately is an element of elokus of atzilus.

Claustrophobia, though it is a phobia, still the person has the feeling that he is cut off from the ultimate reality. This is the great suffering of being in prison – you cannot connect to the chayut. You can even play tennis in prison, but it is not life. The essence of life is a keen, subtle sense that there is a reality that is really real. This only comes from elokus. Chayut at even the lowest level is from atzilus. We do everything to stop the man who wants to jump of the bridge since we are absolutely positive that there is real life.

From the pulse, the life of the person can be discerned. The pulse has an impetus, beyond the heart, the heart does not do it on its own, the real chayut of this pulse/pump is chayut eloki, even thoug contained in the body and the brain.

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The rebbe could look at a person and talk directly to you – he can see what makes you pulse, he can see who you are at a first meeting.

Shem mah and shem ban interact and inter include. The ohr of atzilus is present to give life down to the lowest levels of creation. At night the lions roar for their prey – this is their sense of a greater beyond, otherwise why roar? They would just go out and find food.

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