Monday, January 25, 2010

Seeing the moon

AiynBase with R' Paltiel 1/24/10 Sunday 9 Shevat 5770

Page 10 – about 10 lines from the top “lehachayoto”.

We have a principle, that just as a human being makes something and it reflects his quality. Same is true above, that He created everything to reflect that it is a G-dly creation. A human being, as great as he is, being just a human, he has no greater value than the animal, but when the first man – adam got up, all the animals came to worship him, because he represents G-d. When the king used to read the parsha, hakhel after sukkos, it is like hearing it directly from Him. Without His quality, what is the significance? This gives us an opening to see in everything that exists, the G-dly aspect.

The Rebbe said, there is a simple logic to the earth and sun (apart from the fact of the complete absence of fixed reference points in space). the earth has Torah and man, what does the sun have? Earth is the master and the servant / sun revolves around the master.

He wanted dirah be tachtonim – that He is discovered through the tachton – by the realization that the tachton cannot be the end purpose of creation. Similarly, all that He created stands alone. He created an entity that is whole, not like a table that won't stand. At the time of flying to the moon, the rebbe said, “they'll be disappointed with what they find.” on the one hand there's nothing to it, yet the cycle of the moon is the months and has enormous significance. Its real value comes out at the place of real value. We have to search and live at the level of real value. Look at the moon from a G-dly perspective - “why is it there”.

A man was in a market selling spray to kill bugs. A lady buys it and goes home sprays it and it runs away, she complains and he says, you missed a step, after you spray it you crush it with your little finger.

In the text, page 10 about 10 lines down. We are looking at the effect of world of tikkun. The creations are able to sense the elokus. And the second feature is the bitul that is present in the creations. This is universally present. All creations have the element of bitul to elokus. Bitul does not mean subservience and self-effacement, rather it manifests a recognition of real greatness. The creation is a fully worldly presence, and yet part of this existence is a recognition that the worldly level is not the real thing – it points to elokus that is superior to the world.

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Flow of mah into ban doesn't necessarily result in bitul. But when Israel receives a blessing, the more humble they become. This is in contrast to other nations. To know it is insignificant – to be it is what you want, though it involves more work and less excitement. You don't focus on your experience, you focus on the truth itself.

The movement of the sun is it's expression of praise. When Yehoshua stopped the sun, he told it to be silent, this stopped it's movement. When the sun moves and shines, it does not claim it for itself, it says, “I am only serving Hashem in this. The message here is not my giving, but Hashem's presence.” This is applicable to every creation.

Atzilus doesn't have bitul since it is in a state of hisachdus (unity), briah (creation) is where bitul exists.

The bitul in the creation, allows them to represent and declare the greater truth.

In poetry they say we ascribe human attributes to inanimate objects (personification), but in Torah we say all creations acutally have a soul and the inanimate objects, have a silent desire and statement. The bench is satisfied by our sitting and learning together.

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