Tuesday, March 9, 2010

On the road

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 3/9/10 Tuesday 23 Adar 5770 

Page 13 – few lines below the middle of the page, “haratzon”.

The will to rule has to be drawn from its source in the essence itself.

What arouses it? Mesirat nefesh – which comes from the essence.

Akeidat yitzchak also represents bitul and absorption in the source. Hashem says blow the shofar and I will remember the binding of Isaac. I will consider it for you as if you again carry it out, since on Rosh Hashanah is on such a level. The ultimate intent however is the “shuv” - the return to do His will and be gilui in the world.

For this reason in the blowing of the shofar there are 2 aspects. From below to above and the last is from above to below.

This is the meaning of Avraham perfected the throne – because the inner intent is the return to the world. There must be a ratzu, but it must be known that it is for the shuv – the return.

The midrash say “blow the horn of the ram and I will remember the binding of Isaac,” since they represent the same aspect of avodah. “I will consider it as if you put yourself on the alter”, but the ultimate intention is a return below.

Page 14 at the top.

Yom Kippur is a day of Shabbat and fasting. How is fasting related to Shabbat?

Usually it is a mitzvah to have delight in eating and drinking on Shabbat. So why the deprivation on “shabbos of shabbatot”?

To understand this we will return to the matter of ratzu and shuv; that this is how the G-dly life flows into the world. It is a reflection that was previously absorbed in the source. Kabbalot ol shamayin is the ratzu and kabbalot ol mitzvahs is the shuv.

This movement and work is a constant presence. By means of the ratzu and “going up – reverting back” to be included in its source, then it is rejuvenated again from its source.

The source relative to the activity is infinite. Anything a person would do, “starting from scratch” means that he has a conception of it beyond its limited presence. The way something is in its source is different from how it is in functioning presence, where it has its limitation. Ratzu ve shuv is the process of going back to refresh the activitiy from the inception.

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