Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The start of our perception

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 4/13/10 Tuesday 29 Nissan 5770

Page 16 – second line from the end of the page. Line starts, “hitkallut”

See sidebar on the right hand side for copy of the text.

Our perception starts at the functional level. Above that level we don't have a handle – we don't have a grasp.

The human being has a different perception – the human is a king by nature. He should be able to do what he needs to do in a proper way. The origin of the inventions and tools of the human being is related to the essence of the human being.

At the level of essence is the “table” defined? No, but it is rooted in that level. That level requires that things should be the right way and so lower down the table is invented and built.

Each koach (and object) is reflecting the etzem on its level.

Chochmah is the bringing of the ratzon into the level of sechel. A human act has value only if it is premeditated, this is the process of the nefesh coming down into sechel. A human doesn't just respond to circumstances. He needs to perceive the circumstances, put it through sechel and then act. This is the value of a human act, not that “such and such is accomplished”, rather it is reflective of acting al pi sechel. How to eat food without losing your human stature – that's sechel.

Each koach is made up of all the kochot even at its simple/essential level. This is because all are contained in the essence, which bears all of them. Each koach is a representation of the etzem. The essence is such a truth, that it can represent itself in all these different ways. And since each koach is rooted above it is correlated to each other koach.

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