Monday, May 10, 2010

Simple pleasure

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 5/10/10 Monday 26 Iyar 5770

Page 29. 7th line from the top. Line starts “behagbalah”.   

We are looking at kochot/powers and their formulation. It is pleasure that gives them a real presence, yet the pleasure is not an individual property of the koach itself. It is from the nefesh.

In the nefesh it self it is oneg pashut / simple pleasure, yet when it comes into the kochot it becomes an oneg that is specific and appropriate for this particular koach and action.

That there should be a limit and a focus in the pleasure is completely different from how it is in the nefesh.

The pleasure comes down to them via a memutzah / intermediary. At this intermediate level it incorporates and recognizes all the kochot.
This memutzah is the koach of chochmah in the nefesh.

Chochmah includes all the kochot, since all the kochot originate in the head and in the chochmah specifically. For man everything is processed through his sechel. This is why it takes a baby a year to learn to walk, as opposed to the foal that walks and jumps half an hour after birth.

It is impossible for it not to be through the sechel because for a human all things are correlated. Even the beating of the heart goes through the sechel but not through the conscious sechel.

In chochmah one can relate to all his kochot down the most mundane level. Chochmah conceptualizes the full spectrum of the human being. Chochmah is a koach that is so pure it reflects the nefesh. Because chochmah is a koach it can relate to all the functioning of the human being.

We move the little toe and we conceptualize – these disparate elements are complementatry – part of a whole – we have to be able to do both. This is the way it is supposed to be. There is not one extraneous element of the human being. Chochmah has this concept of what is a human being and thus at this level all the kochot are included too.

The nefesh that chochmah represents is of such perfection that it takes 613 elements to represent it on the outside.

Chochmah is also able to relate to the essence of the nefesh. Chochmah is privy to the nefesh as it is unto itself. The nefesh wants to express itself. Chochmah is rashit hagilui hanefesh. At this level the chochmah is a vessel for the essential kochot of the nefesh.

... וחיי עולם

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