Thursday, June 17, 2010

Beyond structure

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 6/17/10 Thursday 5 Tammuz 5770 

Page 32. At the 7th line of the page. Line starts, “lehergesh ze...”

Click on the herring (in tool bar on the right) to see text.

We are distinguishing between chochmah and oneg. Noting that they are the same, differing in level. Oneg is mufshat and chochmah has a tziur. The tziur of chochmah is such a presence that it is even possible to draw from it a gilui. The tziur (focus/form) of the chochmah is still based on, or part of atzmus (essence).

How can chochmah and oneg be the same. We are trained to think in terms of cause of effect, but chochmah and atzmi have no cause. Oneg is without a cause and it is also present in the world. This G-dly presence is what is sensed in the chochmah.

Life is an essential reality that cannot be explained. That's because it is an essence, not a worldly presence.

There is an essential oneg in the nefesh itself. This is an oneg that is essentially alive. G-d is above metziut – above content, He is a perfect unity. If there was multiplicity in Him there would be no essence and no truth in the creation. There is no development – it is beyond time. Nefesh elokis wants elokus, because it is the only want that is essential.

Essence is something beyond any structure/presentation of the entity. In some way it represents the entire presence more than the entity itself. This is the level at which oneg functions.

... וחיי עולם

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