Monday, December 13, 2010

A leaf turns, a tree falls...

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 12/13/2010 Monday 6 Tevet 5771  

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Page 39 – quarter from the top of the page (line starts “mitzad ha sichli...”)

There are 2 elements that come with a revelation of sechel – the level of sechel/intellect and the level of etzem/essence. Essence is only due to the thing being a G-dly creation. From the worldly perspective they ask, “if a tree fall in the forest and none is there to hear it, does it make a noise?” The Baal Shem Tov, by contrast, says that there is essence involved in a leaf turning over in a field...!

The Ari Zal saw in one hour what would take 80 years to describe and teach. He saw with his “inner eye”. During that hour he was not observing, he was experiencing the essence of the thing. Yet still there seems to be a limit - “80 years”...

The essence of what he saw was limitless. Actual limitlessness – he was seeing a true presence.

Etzem and mehus ha davar has no limit. It is a G-dly reality. It is a source without reason and limit. Thus it is bli gvul – limitless.

The revelations from that essence would take him 80 years to reveal, but what the Ari Zal saw was literally unlimited. He could reveal sechel, but the essence cannot be revealed.

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