Friday, March 18, 2011

The Experience of Life p: 45

Cape Town, Cape Point, South Africa
AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 45 3/18/2011 Friday 12 AdarBase 5771

Page 45 – lower third of the page – about 10 lines from the end of the page (line starts: ahroch...)

Ocean waves are intriguing – if you reflect on the mechanics of the wave, you lose the beauty. It is a physical phenomenon, but He wants us to notice both, the spiritual and the tangible elements.

The one who say, 'I choose the king' – is saying 'I'm going for the source and purpose of reality'. This is chochmah/wisdom. From this devolves binah/understanding, with its formatted and practical/tangible output.

Understanding and comprehension are in the realm of existence of things. Once something becomes a presence in your mind, then it doesn't just exist while you are looking at it – it has become a reality in your mind.

Chochmah and binah are constant companions for the purpose of the sustained existence of the world. They have a constant union.

From their union, which is the joining of nothing and something, comes into existence all the creatures.

For us to do any physical act, we need physical strength/control. But then there is a factor that is completely obscured – this is the life force. Without this force, all the muscle in the world, won't do anything. It is the union of chochmah and binah that keeps binah alive.

yesh/something comes from ein/nothing. The source of all is Elokus, which is ein in the most absolute sense. Without this spark of G-dliness there is nothing.

The continual rejuvenation of the world is due to the ongoing unity of ein and yesh. If one tries to make a 'something' out of the chochmah/nothingness then you lose everything. It is like trying to catch the moon in a barrel of water. You can witness, you cannot analyze.

“I created the whole world, but My glory I will not give to another”, says Hashem. You cannot recognize Elokus without recognizing Him. You cannot incorporate Elokus as a part of the worldly presence.

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