Thursday, March 24, 2011

Light and Reflection p: 46

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 46 3/24/2011 ThursdayNight 18 AdarBase 5771

Page 46 - last quarter of the the page (line starts: beTorat bitul...)

all creations (but not the souls of Israel) were created by the union of chochmah and the binah. The creation is dependent on the light that creates it. If the light is strengthened the creation is nullified.

Something too is seen in neshamas/souls. Not that they are nullified, but that they are drawn to the light.

This is to say they are representative of the light that gives them support, but not completely free-standing. And the Rambam brings that verse, “there is no truth like His truth” - meaning all that you look at is from a G-dly energy – like the rooster that crows in the morning...

You look at the world an it appears 'so real' – this is due to the G-dly element in it – not due to the world itself. We see a whole vista at a glance – we see the truth of it's presence – that which facilitates its being. This is like seeing a table and the settings – and you grasp it all. The Rambam says, the world is very real to us, and that is because it is representative of the G-dly truth, which is the basis of it.

We see a decanter on the table – and we see that someone put it there. We see the truth of it – the human element, that says, 'it belongs here'. “There is no truth, like His truth”.

The world is undeniable because, in a very deep way we experience the world not just 'being there' but 'being made and presented right now!' This is what makes it so real for us.

It is real to us, yet we can close our eyes, and its not there for us. If we just focus on the physical we can easily deny the world. The moon is important to us – we set up our calender by the moon and make a bracha on the new moon, 'yet when they land on the moon they will be disappointed with what they find there...' This means that if you see it for the purpose for which it was made then it is very important, but if you go just for the physical perspective, then it is just a rock in space...!

Everything in the world, looks like a real thing... It is a composite of many parts and when it is put together it represents something real.

We have talked about how the world changes all the time, but as a whole it represents something true and unchanging. It is rooted in 'igulim' – a level beyond time. The world in essence represents a truth. On the other hand this truth is represented only on a ha-arah/reflection level. The world alludes to the light itself – alludes to the essence.

5 lines from the end of the page: it there would be a revelation of more than the allotted light, the creatures would be nullified. Man is a soul in a body. It receives a reflection of true life, but still needs to eat and sleep etc. If the body received more than that then it would cease to be guf and would lose it's physical requirements. Moshe didn't need to eat.

The righteous go 'from strength to strength' – they rise higher and higher on the basis of their earlier comprehension. They are able to absorb more than there allotted light – this is because their essence is more revealed.


  1. Next time you should post a blog about light being reflected of mirrors. I got the wrong idea looking at the title. So do an ARTIFICIAL light of a MIRROR. It would help people withe science projects.

  2. Anonymous,
    I will add that in the blog you can explain if an artificial light source can be reflected of a CD. I need to know that, so do you think you could do that before april 12th? I will provide daily checks everyday until you post it. Do reasearch!
