Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Beyond Contracts p: 47-8

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 47-8 4/5/2011 Tuesday 1 Nissan 5771

Page 47 - 5 lines from the end of the page (line starts: eloki...)

Life everywhere originates in Elokus/G-dliness, but it can go through so many contractions, that it can become completely oblivious.

The entire process of creation is by virtue of the level of ha-arah/reflection and hence due to the many contractions you can land up with something external.

From the perspective of pnimiut, one desires one portion of his own versus 9 portions of his fellow's. He has a relationship to it. On an external level he doesn't care about how it was acquired.

p 48, R' Rashab, AyinBase

 Hashem says, 'okay, my externality can be 'taken', but my glory I do not give to another.' That is to say the essence cannot be separated from its source. We function in a material world, which is part of seder hishtalshalus, yet at any moment we can say they shema, which is a recognition of Him and there is no 'metziut' without Him and thus no separation whatsoever.

That the sitrah achrah / the other side, comes out and exerts itself is due to the concealment of the source. Creations are a reflection of the light that makes them,but the other side is not from the reflection/light, like the other creations, which recognize their source, but the sitrah achrah is not representative of a reflection of the G-dly faculty. Rather, their existence is from the garments that hide.

The body is physical, but feels, pain and delight, showing that there is a level of life that is imbued in the body. Sitrah achrah does not even have that level of sensitivity. The roar of the lion is it calling for its prey. Klipah does not have this. All animals have a degree of sensitivity to their young. Klipah doesn't even have the negative sensitivity. It relates entirely to the levush and not to the light. This is like relating to the body rather than to the life. Unfortunately we have ample illustration of this in today's world.

When psychology says, 'all human experiences are from within himself, and all his interests are a reaction to himself' then there is no cognizance to a greater reality or to reality per-se. From klipa perspective 1 and 1 is just 1 and 1 and not 2. they look to find the core in the entity that creates the whole evolutionary process. And they look for a replacement for G-d, while claiming to search for the truth...

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