Thursday, April 28, 2011

“I'm a king” p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 4/28/2011 ThursdayNight 24 Nissan 5771

Page 49 – 5th line from the top of page (line starts: im ha-kaylim...)

We said that the kav ends in malchus of atzilus. The continuation into the lower worlds is via a curtain that does not allow the ohr/light to come through. The vessels are more definitive than the ohr/light and can penetrate the curtain, to the other side.

King David
Why is malchus of atzilus different. Why can it pass through the curtain. Malchus is unique – it can relate to anything. This is like a king that incorporates all under his rule. Every inch is under him – from the halls of power to the simple hovel. Even the space is his domain. Thus from the perspective of malchus, also biya (the lower worlds) can survive and exist.

A blind man is released from all mitzvot since he doesn't have a real world and no evil inclination. What is the difference? Both the sighted person and the blind man can explain an idea, but for a man that sees, the idea is real because he saw it. The blind man has just the understanding. Understanding cannot create a reality. Only seeing the reality can create it.

Bina has a sense of reality from chochmah. Chochma is like the sight. Because we saw the truth of G-dliness with closed eyes, hence what we see with our open eyes is real. We take a step based on a sense of overall reality. Bina is sustained by the chochmah.

Bina has a right of being due to the chochmah, which gives it a sense of reality.

How does bina receive from chochmah? By acceptance, and by grasping on its own terms.

What if you have a creature with zero incling of what chochmah is? It cannot exist. Chochmah cannot create something that has no grasp of it.

This is not the case with the king. If you are in his domain and recognize him, you receive all of your life force even if you have no understanding of the king. This is a completely different form of hashpaa/influence.

The king represents a fundamental reality that includes all.

Every man is a king in his home. A stranger cannot enter. 'I'm a king not just on my table and food, but on every inch of space in my home!'

This element of malchus is what allows for biya/lower worlds.

The space in the world is the ultimate of bitul. It accepts all.

This malchus facilitates the creation of the lower worlds which have no way to relate to the essence of G-dliness. Once we recognize we are in the King's domain then we can start to build.

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