Sunday, April 17, 2011

Light Up Every Place p: 48

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 48 4/17/2011 Sunday 13 Nissan 5771

Page 48 – about middle of the page (line starts: lechen...)

torah descends and gets involved with worldly affairs – even with low-level issues – false claims (tienot shel sheker). Adjudications can even be made on the basis of a false claim. And lower than than - a guy steals a piece of silver and he does not denies the theft, but he says, 'it really belongs to me' – so he's either a robber or he took the law into his own hands.

Every place where torah goes it affects a birur/clarification. It finds that point by which the G-dly spark can be recognized. It can goe to the lowest elements and does not get affected nor damaged. On the contrary it brings a clarification and G-dly light.

The reason it works this way is because in essence the torah is an inner, essential light, that always stands alone and does not become part of anything else. So even when the torah gets involved in the 'tree of knowledge' – that is it presents in 'terms I can grasp' it is not sullied nor trapped there.

daas/knowledge is only a reflection. All the faculties dressed in the body are only a reflection, with the exception of one – emunah/faith. Emunah/faith is an essence – it is constant – not a process. Emunah/faith is steady – it does not vary.

Human beings agree that there is right and wrong. But you cannot build a legal system on this. It has be be constructed on what society allows. This is a social contract that permits us to set up laws. This is not based on good and bad and Divine will.

Sandvlei, Cape Town, South Africa
So the laws lose their human perspective of right and wrong because they are grabbed and sullied by worldly aspects. Professors teach students how to seduce the jury. Human intelligence can be 'grabbed' to such an extent that it is not guided by the light, but rather by the vessel. The sechel becomes part of the metziut and is perverted.

Torah is also involved in the world, but is not sucked in and perverted by the world.

There can be those who attempt to pervert Torah's meaning, but it does not affect any change in the Torah itself, since it is an essential light, which is never captured and made impure.

The reform and conservative movements said, 'the gemara was put together in their time and put together the laws, why not have our chachamim/wise sages of today address issues from an inception level – turning on a light is effortless, you no longer have to hit a rock and make fire...' and so they pushed for a new perspective. By the Saducees you cannot say they rejected the oral law for personal comfort. We say the motivation was their yeshus. But this did not change the Torah.

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