Sunday, May 1, 2011

Infinity in our world p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 5/1/2011 Sunday 27 Nissan 5771

Page 49 – 8th line from the top of page (line starts: hu...)

Chochmah sees the entire truth, but sees it from a vantage point, but it is not experiencing it. The light that comes into the seder hishtalshalus is just a reflection, not the essence. In atzilus the kav/line ends.

In biya – the lower worlds – it has light of a different state. Yet it is not fully a different domain, but in terms of what is recognizable, there is hardly any similarity. Atzilus is like chochmah, and biya is like binah. Binah and chochmah have constant interaction, but they are very different and between atzilus and biya, there does not exists constant contact.

The lower worlds are a completely different presence.

In every world there is a limit to the light and the revelation.

Even in the sphirot there is a big difference between how things are in chochmah vs in the other sphirot.

Etzem hakav – means the essence of the line of light – what it represents. In our experience if you talk about an object it loses all significance if you lose sense of where it is coming from. A table is just a pile of wood if you forget its purpose.

Etzem hakav is that which originates and brings it out. The ha-arah is a reflection is the functional element of the essence.

Light before the tzimzum is infinity – simple G-dly truth. This reflects itself in our world in the phenomenon of kayamim be min – that everything in our world can reproduce itself – but this is only an element of infinity.

Within this context of total limit there is a reflection of where it comes from – infinity. Since it is only a reflection.

What is the concept of union that results in procreation and giving of the essence?

On the spiritual/intellectual level there is something that comes as a result of the interaction between teacher and student. The transfer of sechel from teacher to student reveals an element in the sechel that would have otherwise remained hidden. What is it? When the teacher undertakes to tell it to the student, he has to identify the universal element, not just the personal. This is the element of truth that he can show to the student. The more the student questions, the more profound is the revelation of truth and universality.

The principle of union is that there is something that is superior to both of them. The truth that is bigger than both of them is what creates the union, and is revealed by the union.

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