Monday, May 2, 2011

My Reality Itself – In Modesty p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 5/2/2011 Monday 28 Nissan 5771 

Page 49 – about a third from the top of page (line starts: mikoach ha sechel...)

why did we start talking about sechel, when discussing physical union?

We see sechel in 'giving birth to something that is similar to himself'... giving birth in a human is a totally different phenomenon from the reproduction of animals. In animals it is reflective of the overall principle of 'kayamim be min – perpetuation of the species'. This is not an individual intent/event/resource.

As small as a man it, he carries a sense of eternality....

The sechel carries this sense and is a reflection of the presence of the neshamah/soul.

This is why there is 'birthing that which is reflective of him'...

This is the contrast between spiritual and physical hashpaa/influence/mentorship.

The intellectual/spiritual is based on universal qualities. When it comes to the physical birth it is totally personal, and it is deeper than sechel – it is the essential truth – my reality itself.

It requires absolute isolation. No interference. In the world there is no modesty. For our way there is no exposure. It draws from the soul itself. Not the species. This particular individual.

The soul of a Jew and the birth into actuality is not the perpetuation of the species – it is an individual event. An individual has a limited sojourn in the world. So what is so compelling about giving birth? It is because it is reflective of the eternal soul.

It is the individual eternity.

That the essence of the human being is eternal, although in his physical state that eternal nature is not obvious. But in some way it is revealed in the body too... 'where one forgets about the outside world and reveals his inner reality... this is not something that can exist on a functional level, but when he is in touch with his own essence.'

what is the eternity of the soul/neshamah. How can something be eternal and created? Eternal is only Him. If there is an element of eternality in the soul, it is because there is an element of Him in the soul – this is referred to chochma atzmis. Essential chochmah. That the soul senses and thirst for Essence is its essential truth. Oneg/pleasure is synonymous here with chochmah.

The real reason we experience such reality in sight, is because in sight we experience that we are part of this reality – chochmah connects to the truth. 

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