Sunday, June 19, 2011

Constant Union p: 45

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 45 6/19/2011 Sunday 17 Sivan 5771  

Page 45 – lower third of the page – 5 lines from the end (line starts: al yedei yichud...)

In order for there to be creation, the infinity of Him has to reveal itself in the form of ha-arah – ein – nothingness – that is a reflection that is aware of Him. This is then developed in the creation of worlds.

Chochmah is privy to the ein sof. In its place ein sof is itself in chochmah there is the awareness of the ein sof. This means there is an outside. This awareness in chochmah is pure, but within it are already details. From this is formed binah. It is the actualization of the detail element of chochmah. This is like sight – it is instantaneous, but the whole panorama is included.

The union of chochmah and bina is constant. Binah develops the chochmah. But its aim is not to be come a something unto itself, but to be the metziut of chochmah.

In a house, you don't live it the walls, you live in the space. This space is one with the space outside the walls and it is the same space from before the house was built. You are aware of the connection. This is a mashal of chochmah and bina. Binah knows that its space is connected to the total reality. If the connection is severed this is misery. It lives from the connection/bitul.  

This is like the value of a house. Not the walls but the location, makes the house.

How do we see a vast vista in one instant? This is because we see not the space, but the basis of the space. The space is real because it has a real source. We cannot conceptualize infinity. We has spoken about malchus – 'the man is a king in his home' - the house realizes a certain reality of malchus. Malchus is a unique quality, without functional elements.

'What's a king?!' He cannot be defined. Yet it is this element gives man and his country reality. An intruder violates your domain. This is because you have a real presence.

This is marriage. It gives reality to a family. There is no functionality. And it separates between holiness and the opposite. This is the eality we recognize in site. It connects us beyond function.

This is the creation of a real world. The light of chochmah shining into binah. This is the union that makes the world.

Chochmah and binah are nothingness and something. Binah constantly looks up to the chochmah. This is a something/yesh that is in constant contact with its ein/nothingness. So it is no a real yesh/discrete entity. This is first seen in actual creation and occurs by means of malchus.

This actual creation represents the person much more than his chochmah and bina. The creation represents him in creation.  

What is 'an internal creation'? This is not imaginary! What kind of yesh is it? This is understood by recalling how we can see a wide vista in one moment. The secular world sees space as 'nothingness' – 'it doesn't provide for, nor object to anything'. We have a completely different view of this space/nothingness. We say it is 'malchus – G-dly presence'. Just like your home is your domain, all of it, even if you are sitting in one corner, this is the ein form of the person, so too this world is all His.

This is what provides for the reason why I can set up a whole home with furnishings, vessels etc. Ultimately things find their place in my domain. This is why it is there. Not due to the space. Domain is more basic than space.

The reality of chochmah is the truth of the soul, of the ratzon. This ratzon is the domain of the soul. It is real, not imaginary. The domain is provided by his own soul. It is a domain in inner space. The soul is the inner reality and it is expansive and creates a domain.

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