Tuesday, June 7, 2011

“I see it at a distance” p: 45

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 45 6/7/2011 Tuesday 5 Sivan 5771  

Page 45 – less than a third from the top of the page (line starts: she-ze-hu...)

We talked about the nekudah/point. Ein sof is unto itself. The nekudah/point has a message.

One gets angry and insults someone. Then you kinda regret having said it. 'Please forgive me, I didn't mean to insult you' – all the words can be countered, but the tone of voice cannot be countered.

From the nekudah comes out afterwards the kav/line to create the worlds and to illuminate them. To give the world being and meaning.

What do humans bring to the world? They bring meaning and source to the world.

Chochmah is like sight. Sight is a unique faculty. If someone is blind the world is not real. How does sight make the world real? Why is touch not enough? Touch is not a reality, since touch, is , 'my experience', not the reality of the object.

“I see it at a distance” - even at a great distance is knowing something in reality, as it is unto itself. One sees without the need to touch. With sight, in one instant, we see the entire reality. This is because we don't see as an accumulation of data – we see the reality.

So atzilus is not really a world, since the truth of His presence is too revealed. It is the revelation of the ohr ein sof. Ohr ein sof is the truth itself. Chochmah is the revelation of what is contained in that truth.

Life is deeper than activity. In the world things are based on activity, but life is based on a hidden foundation.

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