Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Not Apparent to the Naked Eye" p: 48

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 48 7/13/11 Wednesday 11 Tammuz 5771

Page 48 – some lines below the middle of the page (line starts: poal ha birur...)  

Torah is an inner/essential light and gets involved between good and bad, but this is not a real enclothment in the world. Rather it affects a distinction at all levels – at every place. Thus when the torah gets involved in the garments of the tree of knowledge and points out various aspects in the world, getting into the intricacies of the situation, it is not swayed by the circumstances.

The tree of life is never severed from its source. But the tree of knowledge is different – the daas can focus in on the object to the extent that it doesn't recognize the source. This is what makes it possible to steal and misappropriate... The tree of life is always connected.

A test shows the presence of something hidden. Like a litmus test shows a quality of the material that is not apparent to the naked eye. So too, the Torah has the inner/essential aspect that is not always discernible.

It is not the proof that guides the conclusion – it is the overall situation. You can never establish proof. The resolution is based on the answer to the question, 'who did G-d wish to have this object...?'

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