Thursday, July 7, 2011

“The Soul is Life Itself” p: 48

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 48 7/7/11 ThursdayNight 5 Tammuz 5771  

Page 48 – 5th line of the page (line starts: ku...)

The affect rather than the presence of G-dliness results in a reflection of 'real reality' that can be usurped and pulled to the 'other side'. The reflection is a functional element. The sitra achrah/ that which dissociates itself from the source and is interested in itself, gets life not from the reflection of real life, but from the 'garments'.

The life the soul provides for the body is just a reflection. It is not essential life. The body receives only a reflection of 'soul life'. The body is alive and so is the soul. So what is the difference? The soul is life itself. It cannot loose it's life. The body has the effects of life. It can move and do things, but it doesn't undergo a fundamental change – it is still bound by the earth. 

The body can sense the difference between sackcloth and silk. But it lacks spiritual sensitivity. It relates to things that have some physical element to it. Sechel/mind cannot understand what nefesh/soul is. The body has life but cannot understand it – it has only the functional element.

Sunlight bring light to the earth. You can see your way around, but the world is not fundamentally changed. Sun itself is light 'through and through'. Light comes and pushes off darkness, but doesn't change it.

Every aspect of nefesh gives the body some level of functionallity. 

Due to the enclothement of the soul in the body, the 'other side / sitra achra' can gain energy and grant evil a foothold. 'the soul is here, an exquisite creature, and the hands have such beautiful movement' until the soul gets so full absorbed, that one just celebrates the body – 'look what the body can do! Look at the beauty of the body, 'I sing the body electric'!' and this is a complete reversal of reality. The soul becomes secondary and the body becomes primary!

The sun serves the earth, to bring it life. But one can loose perspective that it is a G-dly plan. One can get secular about it and say, 'the sun is huge and the earth runs around the sun and there is nothing intended here'. And one has an entirely different view of the world. The world is a G-dly creation and the presence of light attests to that...!

The point is that, because the life in the body is at the level of ha-arah/reflection, it can be hidden and usurped. This is possible only in ha-arah. Essence is immune to this.

In truth the tree of knowledge of good and evil is primarily on the levels of holiness, that is essentially good, but because it is only a ha-arah (reflection) thus is expresses it self in the form of enclothment in the garment/body through which it is expressed.

The hands with their 10 fingers, representative of the 10 sephirot, and their wide range of abilities, are clearly from the soul. The hand doesn't function on its own. The brain directs it. The hand doesn't appreciate the writing or sketch – the brain has the sensitivity and transmits it to the hands.

The hands get the functional element. The hands don't understand their own creations. But we start to admire the hands – 'he has good hands' one says. Really it is the soul dressed in the hand, but we're talking of functionallity that can be disguised by the 'implements'.

Good and bad develops due to the element of daas. Chesed and gevurah emanate from daas, as a ha-arah / reflection that can be usurped. This is because it goes through daas – eitz ha-daas – the tree of knowledge.

What isdaas? It is a phenomenal faculty. It is what makes a human being a human being. One can have knowledge and not relate. The biggest professor may be immoral. Chochmah and bina are not the essential human quality. Daas is the fact of 'seeing the world from a sechel perspective – to see right and wrong'. A person has to be a bar daas. Why? Chochma and bina are faculties he possesses, but daas is 'who he is'.

Daas is not a calculated response. It is the human quality itself. But daas on the other hand is not it. It not the truth itself.

It is 'knowledge', but it becomes one with the human being. But it is still functional.

Each snowflake is a G-dly creation. An essential element in the truth of the world. This is not in daas. Daas is a reflection / ha-arah of that level and makes statements of 'this you must do' and
'this you must not do'.

Take a look at what happened in Germany. Educated people. And they were 'saving' the world. They had all the smarts and all the knowledge and lacked daas. They became animals. They removed the 'personal' involvement, the human element of intelligence and fell.

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