Thursday, July 28, 2011

“Your Soul is a Rock” p: 49

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 49 7/28/11 Thursday 26 Tammuz 5771

Page 49 – lower third of the page (line starts: mikol makom...)

Yonatan Netanyahu
We're looking at proof of how the soul is a real entity, that is eternal and can handle any revelation.  

One learns torah and there is a limit to one's understanding, yet one grasps the mehus/reality of the higher chochmah/wisdom. Ultimately the view of Torah is not something that can be grasps in worldly terms at all. It is only the soul that can say, 'there is no world, there is only G-d!' And this is beyond sechel. This is above mind. How is it possible to completely free oneself from one's own perspective and recognize His reality? This is because the soul is a G-dly presence from the outset.

When the Bible/Torah describes Israel, 'eating and drinking' at Mount Sinai, it can be seen as an essential enjoyment and absorption of G-dliness. This it was not just delight, but their sustenance! This is the level of the presence of Elokus/G-dliness rather than the experience. This is mehus of elokus – this is the essence and beyond world. The soul is a created entity yet it can receive and absorb from essence.

In the world now the level of significance is mostly hidden. If it has 'utility' then it can take form. But if we filtered out the metziut and remained with the essence, this would be called, 'an imaginary presence'.

AyinBase, p 49 Rebbe Rashab (right click to enlarge)

But the world is a G-dly creation and continues to represent this principle. He is continually creating it.

Souls in the Garden of Eden are sustained by G-dliness although they are separate entities.

In the future there will be a revelation of essence. The souls will receive and accept all of these revelation in an pnimi/inner way. They will be able to internalize it. They will 'know Me' with their sechel/mind. They will not only not dissipate, but will participate!

Yesterday we said the soul is like a brick/rock, without structure and thus of enormous strength and utility! There is not life in the brick – it is just presence and can sustain any pressure. What if the brick was intentionally holding the building? This would mean that with it's own inner mind it perceives infinity – that's how it will be in the time to come.    

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