Friday, August 26, 2011

“Present and not Present” p: 54

AyinBase with R' Paltiel p: 54 8/26/11 Friday 26 MenachemAv 5771

We are at the middle of the page 54 at 'gum ken'.  

When things come down from one world to another , they pass from darkness/hidden states, in to revealed states.

This is like thought coming into speach.

The light of the soul is revealed and concealed.

In thought the light of the soul is revealed, it is 'a nefesh type of light.' this is the type of light that is impossible to impart to the outside.

In light that is reflective of the soul, it cannot be put into a vessel and given to another. It is of the soul alone.

And for the same reason the 'letters of thought' are much finer than those of speech and hence are not apprehended outside.

Letters are objective and hence can be easily recognized by both parties.

These letters are permeated with the light in thought.

The letters that are at the level of thought are not yet tangibly recognized from the outside.

Soul is not a yesh/entity. It is a G-dly presence. The light of each one comes from the same Source. They receive directly from the Source. They don't give life independently of their Source and hence are on the level of bechinat yesh/aspect of entity.

They are present and not present. Their presence is null to the Source/light that maintains them.

The souls are not a tangible presence. They are a G-dly presence.

The soul does not ask, 'from where will I get my sustenance?' The soul is unified with the Source of life.

Speech is not on that level. It is existing on the level of independently existing entities.  

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