Wednesday, September 7, 2011

“Like a Cat” - p 55

AyinBase – Rebbe Rashab with R' Paltiel 9/7/2011 8 Elul 5771

Page 55 – Top line – line starts, 'morah...'  

What is the meaning of hischadsut/novelty? And where can that term apply? The Rambam says the first principle is to know that there is a First Being and that from Him comes all other creatures. So a creature that refers to him is not hischadshut. If it conceals Him and just seems to be there, we say it is hischadshut!

Sea and dry land correspond to the hidden and revealed worlds or the word of yetzirah and briah. The sea creatures are absorbed in their environment and don't yet exhibit the state of 'independent existences'. The fish just float, the land creatures stand on their own and have to seek what they need. The concept of a 'creation' was not innovated on land. It already existed in the sea.

Sechel and midot/emotions are 2 different worlds. Sechel when fully developed will create midot.

The Gemara says, if the torah were not given we would have learned certain qualities from animals. We would learn it by observation, but not just imitation. We would see it and say, this makes sense. So if it makes sense then why do we need to observe the animal exhibiting the behavior in question? If we learn modesty from the cat, we don't imitate, we see that it makes sense. So why do we need the cat?

The cat and all animals behave by instinct – by nature. The human recognizes he is in the presence of a great reality, a Great King and he sees, this is an appropriate mode of behavior in His presence. To know appropriate behavior is hard to discern, since he is 'so far above the scene'. But to refine the human being, he not only knows of Him but behaves in the appropriate behavior.

The animal revels the behavior that you wouldn't bring down if you just had pure sechel.

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