Sunday, September 11, 2011

“Purpose, Possibility and the Boy in the Bubble” p: 55

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 9/11/11 Sunday 12 Elul 5771   

Page 55 – 10th line – at the end of the line. Line starts, 'deatzilus...'

We're contrasting briah with malchus of atzilus.

A king encompasses many lands, subjects and much property. The tendency of each thing in his domain is towards him, rather that towards their own existence. Similarly malchus of atzilus encompasses everything.

The elements of briah are not yet discrete entities, but their tendency is towards existence – this is hischadshut – novelty.

How is briah different from yetzirah? In briah there is efshari/possibility of existence.

Creation, that comes from ein/nothing, came into being via this level of efshariut/possibility.

From ein/nothing into existence is an absolute wonder. If an item came into existence directly, we wouldn't know it. What is the stage of 'efshari hamitziut'? Take this area here. Some years back it was an open field. No imagine a beis medrash without walls in the middle of the field! The furniture would be there, but lacking in significance, since they would be completely misplaced. By preparing the land and first erecting the building, you set the stage for the base medrash. This is efshari hamitziut – the preparation. And we can readily see why it is necessary.

If you have all your needs in a capsule, you have everything, but reality.

The reality element in the human being sets him apart from everything else.

We took G-d out of the public school curriculum and continued to teach the same subjects, yet there is no gain from it – there is a breakdown of civility. If you have the concept, 'anything is legal so long as you don't get caught' then you can't expect much from the kids. Without G-d you land up with Mengele in white gloves. This is because if you have the object without significance/basis then you have nothing! You need a fundamental truth – a sense of reality.

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