Tuesday, September 20, 2011

“The Soul and Real Estate” p: 55-6

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 9/20/11 Tuesday 21 Elul 5771 

Page 55 – about 3 lines from the end of the page. Line starts, 'ukmo...'

You may think of 'don't steal' or 'love your neighbor as yourself' as being based on communal life – the one harming and the other benefiting 'civil life'. But the truth is that these are based on a soul truth – a higher reality. They are not created on a practical level – there is something real behind it. At source it is not really a mitzvah since all is one. This is to understand the principle that above there are no midot/measures/emotions.

This is like the embryo while still in the seed – it does not yet have the aspect of 'entity'. There is no sign of an entity, though all is present there.

There is the desire in a person for a home. This is a soul desire. What does it mean that the soul should care of such a thing? This is like one's name being significant to the person. The essence of the soul in the human is represented by his name, even though a name is added to a person after he is born. The name is what establishes the human being as an entity among others – to be in the world.

To function and be effective on a broader scale is part of his essence, not an 'add-on'. This is why, 'be fruitful and multiply' and establishing a home is so essential.

The name is not for convenience. So too in the soul is the will for a house. The soul has a mission in the world, and the mission is not to hover, but to participate and be a building block, to build and own a piece of the world – this is the home.

This impulse takes different forms on each level – ratzon, chochmah and binah. When something is materialized (the house is built) one has to take care to keep the purpose in mind.   

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