Thursday, September 1, 2011

What's Going On?

In this Q and A Rabbi gives a brief overview of where we are in the discourse:

Q: “Hi Rabbi, I was out of town, and I'm not really sure what's going on in the shiur. I heard this thing about 'chomer' and I think about materiality. This was contrasted with ohr/light... I don't think I know what's going on.”  

A: “Okay. This talk of chomer and light is not really the main point. We got into this along the way. The point is to describe a presence. This is like thought. It is defined yet it is internal. There is a presence, but it is not real. It is essentially in full unity with it's source. It is like the presence of ein/nothing – the source of yesh/entities. Thought is like a yesh that does not claim a presence of it's own. It's presence is because of it's source, which is ein/non presence.

And why are we getting into this? This is to get a look at 'alma dehiskasia' (the concealed world).

We deal with the revealed world – it is real, but it it lacks – it is short on spirit. It is short on the recognition of its own truth. And the hidden world is short of metzius/actual entities.

And why are we getting into this? This relates back to the question we started with [in the pasuk/verse 'lech lecha' where Avraham Avinu (Abraham our father) is told to leave the land of his birth... ] of why would Avraham Avinu (Abraham our father) be interested in the fact that G-d was going to 'make his name great' in the land that He would 'show him.' These topics will come around to address these questions...”

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