Monday, October 31, 2011

“Scratch in the Supernal Purity” p: 57

AyinBase with R' Paltiel 10/31/11 Monday 3 Cheshvan 5772 

Page 57 – about 7 lines from the of the page (line starts: “ve nimshach...”)
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We are talking about the overall hamshacha/download that creates seder hishtalshalus / process of creation.

And the intention of this is that it be grasped and digested within a context, while originating from before the tzimtzum/contraction.

When looking at land, there is no limit in how it will be developed. There is the feel that it is a makif for a pnimi. It speaks of revelation and says gilui/revelation is of significance. It is helem ha shychus el ha gilui – a level of concealment that has some tenuous connection to the stage of revelation that will follow. There is also a level of makif/concealment that has no relationship to revelation.

In any essence there are 2 levels in its expression. One is the expression of the essence itself and the other is the communication of its message. When we say it is 'daylight' we mean that it is a state of day. This is like the communication of essence. It is beyond the function level of light sufficient to cross the street. In 'daylight' the whole environment is illuminated.

The start of the process of creation is a “Scratch in the Supernal Purity”. In contrast to our world where nothing exists without being a composite, nothing is pure, above is truth itself – supernal purity. Noting 'makes it be' – it is the truth. When there is a projection of 'what can come from it' this is an element of impurity. This is like having a pure insight and then asking oneself, 'what can I do with this?' then the purity is diminished. Components in the insight are then identified.

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