Monday, April 30, 2012

“Inside the Sun” p: 159

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Monday 8 Iyar 5772 

Page 159 – about 10 lines from the top of the page (line starts, 'ha-neshamah....') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

The adam/human being is made of 2 opposite elements that don't correlate. And yet there is such a joining that the life of the soul actually provides life at the level of flesh and nature. There's no natural explanation for this.

And the fact that the light of the soul should be revealed at all, is contrary to nature! It is contrary to the way, 'you would expect things to happen. The nature of light is to be part of the source and not to come forth independently.

This nature of the light applies to the kind of light that has a relationship to its source, meaning it is one with the source.

And the soul as it is above; its light is clearly cleaving to its source and thus any revelation and involvement with the 'natural' life in the body, is totally contrary to its nature. 

The light of the sun belong with its source. Not like the light of a candle that illuminates by consumption of fuel.

The body is not intrinsically alive. It lives because an element of life has been brought to it by the soul. What is this life of the soul, that brings life to the body? It is representative of intrinsic life. It is like light inside the sun. It does not get used up and does not have to be replenished. It is an intrinsic reallity and seems to only belong in its source, not in a place where there can be lifelessness (the body). The soul is so essential that it is a wonder it is revealed at all!   

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