Wednesday, May 30, 2012

“Stoney” p: 163

Image from R' Simon Jacobson's AyinBase site
AyinBase with R' Paltiel Wednesday 9 Sivan 5772 

Page 163 – at 4th line of the page (line starts, 'ki im...') For text, see link top right of the blog. Or for text right click here.

We have been explaining that there is an essence. The 'essential form / tzelem' refers to the essence, but a form per se refers to revelation and hence not essence. It is more on the side of light and revelation (ohr and gilui).

This was seen in the verse, “He and His Name alone”.

Essence is unto itself and does not correlate to anything. It is a 'stand alone reality'. In the physical world a stone is like an essence. It 'remains what it is'. It remains hidden and does not express itself on the outside.
'He' in the verse above refers to the essence of light.

Revelation is not a statement of 'it is there' but that 'it can be grasped from outside'. And that it comes, in a manner that is accessible to faculties or vessels of perception of those outside (hamekablim)...

the light comes from the essence. The essence does not think of the light as bright or dark, just as essence. But for the recipient a certain aspect is received, an aspect that relates to something other than itself. Think of the sun as the essence of illumination, but it has effect only when the light spreads. And that light is bright and has effect. This is the meaning of gilui/revelation. It is the revelation of the 'ingredients' of this entity.

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