Monday, July 30, 2012

“Please Pass the Salt” p: 171

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Monday 11 MenachemAv 5772 

Page 171 – lower quarter of the page (line starts, 'shenimshach...') For text, see picture below or see link top right of the blog (needs update).

We have been looking at the principle that by means of the understanding we have of the light in vessels, we come to understand the light that is categorically removed from worlds.

We get to know the source, from which the 'local' light comes.

And we see that even a reflection of the higher light is not suitable to be involved in the world.

In seeing a person, you recognize an essential element. You see a reflection of the essence (you don't see his soul, you see his face, hands and feet etc). And this reflection as such cannot be dressed in vessels – it is a total human being.

Functionality is what is dressed in vessels and definitions. Man perceives himself has having a mission, 'and that's why I have hands to do things'. And when you see a man with hands and feet it shows you here is a full human being in charge of his environment. If you look at a painting or a reflection in the mirror, you see just the function.


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