Tuesday, August 14, 2012

“Knowing Would be a Step Down” p: 171

AyinBase with R' Paltiel Tuesday 26 MenachemAv 5772  

Page 172 – 2nd line of the page (line starts, 'she-aynum...') For text, see picture below or see link top right of the blog (needs update).

We're back to looking at the main topic of etzem ha-ohr – the essence of light.

On the previous page we saw that the creation of light is not like any other creation.

This is in contrast to vessels, which only appear in the world of atzilus.

The difference is that light is bedveykut – cleaving to its source. This means it has the qualities of the essence. And just as essence cannot be understood, so too the light cannot be understood.

The essence of G-dliness / His light, is not that he makes worlds. 16:30 in video, 3rd line of text p 172.

And what we know of infinity from revelations is just the inyan of the ohr – ie what is revealed in the worlds.

We are contrasting light with essence. Light is from essence and reflects essence. Both cannot be understood. Essence, transfers itself and makes light. Nothing except the fact of light has changed.

What is the light? It is a statement of presence – 'I am here'.

We can know things from revelations. And what can we know of G-dliness? Only the light that is revealed in the world. Not the essential element.

Think of a human being. You know your toe, not 'cos you see the toe, or feel it. It is a case of, 'you know yourself, you know your toe'. And there is the element that 'you are knowable', and this is like the 'light' that makes a statement of your presence. You don't know yourself, by this process, you just know yourself. Essence is the level of 'it is not even know to yourself', but this is an merit, not a lacking. Knowing would be a step down.

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