Thursday, January 10, 2013

“I Accept” p: 6

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 28 Tevet 5773 

Page 6
Middle of the top paragraph of the page – (line starts, 'kul hi...') For text, click here.

The light of the kav is an ohr pnimi. This means it relates completely to what it is meant to accomplish. It doesn't do stuff inadvertently. It does it by focus and intent. This is reflective of the fact that, 'kulam be chochmah asita' – 'You made them all with wisdom'. The light stays within holiness and is guarded by chochmah.

All things come to be due to His existence. And they continue to depend on Him. And they are a true existence only if the recognize this. Without this they become klipah. Chochmah accomplishes this. Chochmah has bitul. Not that it says, 'I don't exist', rather it says, 'I accept and on that basis I will understand. The real truth is the source from which it comes'.

Remember: every mitzvah represents an absolute truth, and not a functional value that can be understood at the worldly level. Each one brings the infinite light into the world, in a way that the world can accept it, but it remains infinite. 

The principle of a mitzvah is not 'how it keeps the peace' or makes for 'civil society' but how the G-dly light is channeled into the world...

The Torah is called a derech/pathway... the path is the way infinity is drawn down / downloaded into the world. The kav/line is called a pathway due to having 2 features – it channels to each place appropriately and it guards that the light does not lose its way...

So too in Torah, these 2 aspects are seen. There are the letters of Torah, and the light of Torah.

It is amazing that all that light is contained in a given number of letters...! There is a written Torah, that contains light.

In the kav we have, the flow from infinity – that it should come everywhere – that is the light. And then there is the guard element – that it should not go to the 'wrong' place...

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