Monday, January 28, 2013

“Inside Outside” p: 9

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Monday 17 Shvat 5773 

Page 9
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We are looking at the internal and external levels of the kav/line that creates the world.

Before the tzimzum everything is within atzmus/essence. The tzimzum gives things an element of coming forth outside of essence, although really there is no place outside essence/Him.

It becomes possible to identify separate entities.

The nefesh/soul, always sees things from a unity perspective. It sees that, 'one and one is one'. It doesn't see two separate things. It sees how all comes from one point.

In the world of atzilus this concealed truth is announced. Thus it comes to the point of having a presence.

The internal element of the kav/line does not have the quality of 'coming out externally to the essence'. After the tzimzum it is still incorporated in the Essence, may He be blessed.

In everything there is its presence, and then also it has an element of 'why it is there'. The 'why it is there' is due to the One who initiated it. And seen from that perspective we know, just as in our metaphor of chochmah, that the unity we perceive is nefesh/soul itself, and not based on logic. The pnimius/internal element is the motivating factor and life force – and this is in the essence. It is still essence.

Both the human and the animal has to eat. But there is a phenomenal difference between these activities. For the animal it is stomach activity. For the human being it is an intellectual element.

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