Thursday, January 3, 2013

“More than Seeing Across the Street” p: 5

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 21 Tevet 5773 

Page 5
near the middle of the page – (line starts, 'ha-kav...') For text, click here.

The kav/line brings about the measurment for all the sphirot. It also brings a unification among all the elements and shows how they are unified with their source. Despite the fact that there is a measure and a limit, it does not change the principle that this is actually a representation of ohr ein sof – the infinite light...

Light by definition is ohr ein sof – since light emanates only from a source that is real and essential.

A human being is real and essential. Human beings can own property. And this is beyond protecting your turf. It is real ownership. You can own something even if you are not holding it in your hand. This is because your light spreads. This is like the Baal Shem Tov says, 'where a man's will is, that's where he is...' A man is a G-dly presence. He is a true presence. Present for its own sake. Not for some secondary purpose.

True presence has no limit. It is ein sof. It is true everywhere. We love each other unconditionally. Even those we have never met. If he's on the other side of the world, he's not just, 'over there', he's 'here and there at the same time'.

The soul is in the body. And it makes it move. But it is the unmoved, mover. This is called a G-dly reality. Even at this level of making the soul live, it is essential... the soul gives life and does not get old. Only the body gets old.

Light exists only in the presence of an essence. Because he is an atzmi/essence, he has light and is everywhere in this form of light... just like you can be in your home, and every last corner of your home has you there as a presence.

The kav defines what aspect of the light will be recognized here, but it is the same light. We said the infinite light was contracted and then there was the kav – a limited line... so how does this relate to measurement? When you have the flow of water in the river, which is infinite, there isn't a sense of a flow you can measure.

A kav/line has to do with sequence... and different kinds of hamshachas/'downloads'.

When the light is in its full glory, there is no hamshacha/'download'. This is like a man in his home – there is not difference between the extent he owns a teaspoon in his kitchen or a forgotten corner of his atic...

Presence is different from the essential reality. A man is more present in his dining room than in the corner of his atic. Kav/line deals with presence rather than essence.

The source is represented in the kav/line and hence there can be unification of differences.

Tzinorot/tributaries has the gematria of 'His name' and 'name' is the same principle as 'ohr'.

Name is how a person is present outside himself. It is a recognition that this person has a presence much greater than what is contained in his limited body.

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