Thursday, January 10, 2013

“See What You are Being Shown” p: 6

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 28 Tevet 5773 

Page 6
A third from the top of the page – (line starts, 'lemakom she ayino...') For text, click here.

We have learned that the kav/line comes in a measured manner, and is thus able to reach each entity, and along with that it is 'ohr pnimi' – meaning it relates directly to the topic that it represents. It is not just 'unguided' light. And this is the principle of chochmah.

Sight is a good metaphor for wisdom/chochmah. In sight you see the entire panorama without having to come into contact with it. You see it, you are not it. You see the message. Sight unlike the camera does not just relate to the physical object. Human sight is not about the physical object. Real sight and real knowledge is when you see the ohr/light element.

The wise man sees not because something is forced upon him, he see why the Creator made it... he sees way beyond the physical presentation. And in this way chochmah guards that the kav/line does not divert into the wrong place. You see what you are being shown, and the One who shows the view.

Klipah says, “I don't need You, I just want what is shown”. Klipah says, 'if it is real to me, then it is real'.

What's wise? To go past the periphery to the core.

Do you look at what the painter did, or how he did it? The wise one stands back and gets the message from the painting... as a result of chochmah, this intent can be grasped.

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