Wednesday, February 20, 2013

“The River Flows” p:12

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Wednesday 10 Adar 5773 

Page 12
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We have said there is 'ein techilah / no beginning' and 'never ending / ein sof'. Creations are not primal. They all came into being at some time. But some of them are eternal.

This would be the case if Creator's will for them, that brough them into existence is infinite...

Shefa is an actual import from the source. Think of a flow of water. Actual water from the spring is found down stream.

If a man throws a stone, the force of his arm propels it upwards contrary to its nature. This is not a reflection of the arm's influence. The actual force of propulsion is exerted on the stone. But at some point the arm needs to recuperate. The force remains sourced in the hand.

In contrast a flowing river has the same source of power present at all points along its course.

So both the flowing river and the process of throwing are both examples of shefa.

Contrast this with ownership – the man owns his home in a manner of light.

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