Monday, April 8, 2013

“After Satisfaction, Action” p:15

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Monday 28 Nissan 5773
Photo by Batya David
Page 15
10th line from the top of the page – (line begins: 'li-hi-yot...') For text, click: Here.

After the return/shuv, which is totally satisfying, there comes another ratzu/run..

If there is satisfaction, why is there another striving..? this is because the satisfaction has an element of personal desire and 'what he wants' – this is gilui ohr/revelation of light, and this already 'puts him into the next phase'...

And if there is a personal participation there is an element of 'I know what I am receiving'...

And so he is aroused again to strive/run... and says, 'I want to know it more fully. I want to get into it. I want a higher revelation of light'.

When the revelation of light is in the settled state / shuv and has been translated into his parameters, that itself arouses a desire for a higher light... this is like, no matter your level of Torah understanding there is a level of submission, since Torah is higher than your understanding.

This concludes this topic, of how from the closeness of Godliness there is shuv/return etc.

Then there is the love that comes from reflecting on the greatness of Godliness... it is revealing 'what the soul/nefesh really wants' as opposed to feeling the closeness/kiruv of Godliness...

In thinking into the greatness of Godliness, one realizes that everything of this world and all the higher worlds is only a reflection...

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