Sunday, April 7, 2013

“Calm Presence; Wanting More” p:15

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Sunday 27 Nissan 5773 

Page 15
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On Friday we discussed the principle of the shuv/return and what is missing in the ratzu/run... We said that 'thirst' is satisfied only in in the shuv/return. The running does not satisfy his thirst...

Water does not need digestion... it flows... on its own it flows to where it is needed. This indicates the principle of something given from Above and not received with faculties.

The thirst for Godliness is to experience His presence as He provides it. It is beyond, 'my recognition and deductions and faculties' it is 'there is a Godly reality'.

Shuv/retun is 'coming back to earth' and doing His will... this is not based on sechel... it comes down to the physical level and is the satisfying of the thirst.

There is a calm presence – it is not due to my efforts, He comes down and is right here... The soul is a ease... it is no longer running and striving... it has Godliness right here...

After this shuv/return and its settled situation, there will be another run/ratzu. This is because the shuv has the element of gilui ohr (revelation of light).

What is gilui ohr (revelation of light)? Think of the host and the guest at his table... when the host is there it is wonderful. If he leaves, you are left with nothing. What if the host spends a decent amount of time and then has to leave. So you have the sense that you have been recognized by the host. You don't have his actual presence (which is a total reality – as opposed to the revelation of light), but you are left with the light.

We realize that sechel/mind is a soul, not body experience. The soul is in the body and thus it is felt through the body. Learning and doing mitzvoth is not a body experience – it is a soul experience. The body might by the tool, but the significance is sensed in the soul.

In the secular world you can go to college and walk away with worldly knowledge.

In torah world you go to yeshivah and walk away with life knowledge – a relationship to truth! 

Shuv/return we said is reality coming to you, rather than you seeking it. It is not based on your conscious awareness. But despite this, your recognition of it is because you are open to it. It is not forced on you. There is a soul desire for it.

Just like you can easily close your eyes, so too this light can be ignored... we have to open our eyes...
The love is hidden in your soul and the meditation reveals this love, which results in a run towards Him, and this is followed by a return and an active reception of His presence.

Hisbonenut is a meditation – a deep pursuit. This is in contrast with a rav/teacher explaining to you on your level. But even that need an active living element of 'wanting to understand'. The student needs to bring chayfetz/desire. There is the need for active involvement. So too by the state of shuv/return – there has to be active receptivity.

And thus he is aroused again to a ratzu/run state... he says, 'I want more, I want to understand better'. In the shuv/return he is given everything, and there is a level of active receptivity. And due to this activity he wants to participate more fully! And this is the ratzu/run that results...

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