Thursday, April 4, 2013

“Living with Life!” p:14-15

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel Thursday 24 Nissan 5773 

Page 14
2nd line from the end of the second paragraph of the page – (line begins: ve-ha-ah-havah...') For text, click: Here.

The Rebbe has been explaining the service of ratzu ve shuv – 'run and return'. And saying that in each is the other – inter inclusion. What causes the run towards the source? He is so deeply touched by the closeness/kiruv of Godliness that is dressed up in the world. He sees God is wanting to give the benefit of His presense in his world.

He sees how each mitzvah is a Godly statement made on a worldly level. This is a revelation of Godliness through mitzvoth, and God's statement, 'I will be with you in each mitzvah...'

And this evokes a great love in the recipient.

The Godly presence is experienced in the world.

By means of hitbonenut/meditating on the love/kiruv there is revealed the Godly light in his soul. So then it is no longer acquired knowledge, but Godly light within oneself.

The way scientists describe it, it is a 'lifeless life'. We're talking about 'living with life'! You open your mind, and this is the channel through which it can enter, and you focus on the life element. You live with the Godly light!

Think about eating. And the decent way to eat. Stuffing your mouth is not human. It needs to be processed by the mind and then the heart. You take one bite at a time. You don't lose your mind over the food. You sense the human element.

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