Thursday, May 9, 2013

“Pleasure Beyond Sense” p:21-22

AyinBase / Ayin Beis with R' Paltiel ThursdayNight 29 Iyar 5773

Page 21 (chuf aleph). 8th line of the page – (line begins: 'ha-atzmi...') For text, click: Here.

We are dealing with Kabbalah idioms that will be followed by chassidus.

The term essence is totally illusive. There is not an essence/etzem quality within worldly parameters. The world is past present and future and front, back, left, right and up and down – meaning it is an assembly of different parts and dimensions.

So to get a sense of this, we draw attention to the life element that is in the world... think of recognition of a person – it relates not to any of their features, but to their essential life... it is like a glimpse of essence within a worldy setting...

Everything wants to be what it is... not to out do the next guy, but he just relates to who he is... this is an essential element... a Godly spark within him. And we cannot define it and correlate it to any functionality... and this essential element carries its own sense of oneg/pleasure. There is not an external cause for the pleasure – it has a Godly truth itself.

And it is for this reason that each thing, 'wants to be what it is'.

There is a pleasure that can be sensed. And a deeper level that cannot be sensed.

Mind – chochmah and binah – is a level of which we are aware. In the external world the topic of sechel/mind and reasoning has been stripped of any meaning and life element. They will even say any sechel that has an element of soul is false. They work on the deductive level without working on the level of 'what is this all about'.

Real sechel/mind actually carries the neshamah with it. The advantage of sechel/mind over midot/emotions is tht is nullifies itself before the truth... it allows itself to be a vessel for truth.

Our sechel/mind is based on the principle that there is a First Being, and thus it has a source. The sechel relates to this primary being. External sechel, says that mind itself creates the whole reality, without a primary reality...!

Real sechel is not nullified to nothing, but rather to primary reality. It reflects the truth of the neshamah/soul.

Chochmah/wisdom is where the tynug/pleasure is sensed.

The question is 'what is the primary reality'. For kedusha, He is the first reality. In klipa, the physical is the first reality!

Fortunately since you have a soul, no matter how much external sechel/mind is pushed on you, you keep it at arm's length and say, 'hey, something doesn't jive!', and hence he is able to venture out of it...!

At the new paragraph on p21 (chaf aleph). On Yom Kippur it is like Shabbat, so why don't we eat. Yom Kippur is the actualization of the Godly influence from above... and in the King's throne room one doesn't eat.

God says 'I will appear in a cloud'. This is the could of incense... and incense relatues to tshuvah/return.

In summary: the principle that was identified in the last couple of page – 'to understand the principle of ohr elyon/higher light. Despite that fact that we are in the world and have our outlook based on this, but this does not constrain us to worldly definitions... there is a drawing down of essence, an essential intent...

If awareness were to be attributed to our experiences then our differences could not be bridged. But due to the fact that the real presence is the essence – and that all is based on the First Being and is based on his doing, then there is a drawing down of the ohr elyon / higher light that is able to unite all different aspects.

Go into anyone's home – there's a variety of furnishings – but what what brought them together is the human spirit, not their function. And if we go to the level of the human spirit of the home then all the objects are equal since they are there for one purpose.

This is the metaphor and it is the same in the analog. 

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